Collar of the osteochondrosis — symptoms and treatment

The osteochondrosis is a complete degenerative change in the cartilage tissue of intervertebral discs. The development of the disease occurs very slowly and, often, in the early stages does not have clear symptoms, except for minor pains, in that very often people do not give it due attention. In the modern world of the osteochondrosis is a very common disease, able to span the different age groups of people.

The disease can appear in any department of the vertebral column. On the main places of location of their usual split into:

  1. the osteochondrosis of cervical
  2. the osteochondrosis of breastfeeding and the division of
  3. the osteochondrosis lumbar

Collar of the osteochondrosis is found quite frequently and is probably the most dangerous, because it runs so it is able to bring the person to the disability. The fact that the vertebrae of the neck are of much smaller size, in comparison with the rest of the vertebrae, but they have greater mobility. In the neck concentrates a large amount of blood vessels and nerve fibers, also through the neck pass the arteries responsible for the blood supply of the brain. Therefore, the slightest displacement of the cervical vertebrae contributes to pinch the nerve roots and vessels. Because the cervical vertebral canal has small dimensions, there is always the possibility of oppression of the spinal cord. It is the main threat that you may end up with disability.

The osteochondrosis of cervical

The causes of the onset of degenerative disc disease

The causes of the occurrence of the degenerative disc disease have not been studied by scientists, but however there are some factors that contribute to the development of this disease. The main of these factors, you can bring:

  • Predisposition, which was contagious by genetics.
  • The bad diet because it produces excess weight and lack of micronutrients in the body.
  • Intoxication or the presence of an infection.
  • Violated the exchange of substances.
  • The presence of lesions of the spinal column.
  • The conducting of the sedentary life-style, the application of the minimum of the body.
  • The presence of the person from diseases such as scoliosis, flat feet, as well as the instability of the segments of the spine.
  • Physically an unequal burden in the body.
  • Frequent stress and psychological tension.
  • The sudden change of the already established style of life.

The main stages of osteochondrosis

The osteochondrosis of cervical is divided into four stages. In the first stage may be visible only feelings of discomfort in the back area. For the second stage of the characterized: the destruction of the fibrous ring and the appearance of the propeller of the intervertebral disc, it is also possible to nerve. During the development of the third stage is the formation of intervertebral hernia. The fourth, last stage of the degenerative disc disease, a very bad move and almost always feels a strong pain. This is due to the deformations of the vertebrae in the form osteophytes (bone spurs).

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease cervical

The presence of degenerative disease of the cervical disc is accompanied with various syndromes, act in function of the main symptoms of the disease:

  1. Irritative-reflex syndromes. In your case, you will receive the weakness of pain in the area of the neck and the nape of the neck, which increases with the movements.
  2. The syndrome of the vertebral artery. Is accompanied by headache, vertigo, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus, it is also possible to disorder of the visual system. Appears the possibility of the disturbance of the cerebral circulation.
  3. The syndrome of the front of the ladder and muscles. It is characterized by pains in the whining of the nature in the area of the neck. The pain intensifies when you bend over or move your head.
  4. Cardiac syndrome. Accompanied by pain in the neck, the heart, and in the area of the vanes. The pain has the property of strengthened if they turn their head and sneeze. The symptoms in this case, have angina.
  5. Radicular syndrome. When it occurs it occurs the oppression of the nerve root. The area of pain spreads in a wide area of the body. In this area are: the neck, the shoulder, the shoulders and the fingers of the hands.
  6. Root-vascular syndrome. Is generally characterized by problems of mobility and sensitive disorders.
  7. Syndromes spinal cord. Appear to tighten the spinal cord, injuries of the vertebrae of the osteochondrosis. In this scenario, you experience pain in the neck, loss of sensitivity, weakness of the limbs.

The treatment of the degenerative disc disease cervical

The first step on the road to treatment — the definition of an accurate diagnosis. Only then can you make the holistic treatment of the osteochondrosis of cervical, which basically consists in reducing the pain, as well as the removal of the inflammation. Let's see the main methods of comprehensive treatment

  • The medical therapy. Is made at the time of aggravation of the disease. It eliminates the inflammation and docked pain syndrome.
  • Physical therapy procedures. Are made with the help of the currents of low frequency, ultrasound, magnetic fields, and lasers. As A result of which it eliminates the feeling of pain and muscle spasms, decreases inflammation.
  • The practice of chiropractic. This therapy is tailored to each patient individually. After its application, is facilitated by the pain, increases mobility, and corrects posture.
  • Therapeutic exercise. Focuses on the decompression of nerve roots. Special exercises help to reduce the burden are in the spinal column, through the consolidation and development of the muscles of the back. During the exacerbation of the disease on physical education do not normally use. The exercise should be only a qualified technician.
  • The massage treatment. In specialized clinics of Tibetan medicine to apply massage, as well as the methods of chinese medicine – acupuncture and moxibustion.
  • Reflexology. Effectively eliminates the pain, improves the metabolic processes in the body.

It should be noted that the treatment of the degenerative disc disease, cervical during pregnancy is virtually impossible. So that women should pay attention to this disease up to the period of pregnancy. There is also a series of recommendations for the dream, for people who suffer from the osteochondrosis. The mattress of the sick should be a medium hardness. You may not use very soft or very firm mattress. The pillow should not be used high, it is desirable to acquire orthopedic. To avoid the occurrence of this unpleasant disease, it is necessary to take care of your regular prevention. The methods of prevention refers to the proper nutrition, mobility, as well as the change of life style more active.